Improv, NEWS, Shows

Q & Aaron | Meet Our Awesome New Member

We’re happy to announce, in a time where happy announcements are few and far between, the welcoming of Aaron Boyd to our cast!

Being the new guy, I figured we could all get to know Aaron a little better. I asked the cast to put together a few questions for our new pal. Read on:

Q – Which/What archetype of “child” were you growing up? The cool, bad boy? The studious, quiet one?

This one was very specific, heading deep into Aaron’s backstory.

Aa – I was the nervous quiet kid, looking for approval, but never knowing how to get it. I was always picked last for teams, probably with good reason.

Q – What comedy movie best reflects your style of humour?

OK, now we’re getting on track. Comedy. Relevant. Here we go:

Aa – Airplane.

Honourable mentions: Shaun of the Dead, Sightseers.

Q – Do you have any interesting phobias?

OK great gang. Back to the weirdly personal stuff.

Aa – Arachibutyrophobia. (Fear of Peanut Butter) Probably due to my allergy. (Take note, fans. No Reeses for Aaron!) Also heights without safety equipment. I struggle to climb a ladder, but I have bungee jumped, enjoy air travel, and have done the CN Tower Skywalk!

Q – Can you tell us a little bit about your experience performing comedy?

Finally, the good stuff. (Although it is super good to know about the peanut butter!)

Aa – When I was a kid I wanted to be the funny one, but was too shy to go for it. As David Letterman used to say, “I wasn’t the class clown, but I wrote for him.”

After taking Drama class in High School I finally got the guts up to try some stand-up in my youth groups’s talent shows. The audience seemed to enjoy the jokes I “borrowed” from Robin Williams, but it was my Ronald Reagan impression that really killed.

At University I met a great group of guys, and after creating a sketch comedy show based on Stephen Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time”, we formed Cavalcade of Whimsy and produced several Summerworks and Fringe Festival shows.

A young Aaron backstage at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts.
Look. At. That. Hair!

We all participated in the writing, and I directed and stage managed. For the next (too many) years, I was a non-practicing comedian, with my performances limited to keeping my staff entertained during sales meetings, and the occasional karaoke night, until my friend Kate suggested we attend an Improv Niagara workshop. I caught the comedy bug once again, and look forward to playing with this awesome group of performers.

Q – Any weird piercings?

OK. This has gone too far. Thanks for reading folks. And don’t miss your chance to see Aaron in socially-distanced action at our “Laughs & Lattes” show Saturday, October 17th at the Queen Bean Café.