A lot of people are nervous when they think about improv. The idea of being
- a) on stage
- b) in front of a crowd, and
- c) completely unprepared
is the stuff of nightmares for some folks.
So it’s understandable that people might have some hesitations when they’re considering learning improv.
I’m here to guide you through your first day of improv class and to put your mind at ease because guess what? Improv isn’t supposed to be scary. It’s supposed to be FUN!
Improv Niagara just started our classes back up. Online, of course, and after DAY 1 of our Intro to Improv class, one of our students sent a follow-up message saying:
“I had a freaking BLAST! I learned some new tools today and am overly excited to continue through this journey. Thank you for opening your tool box and letting me in!”Â
-Becky B
I love how Becky put this. New tools. Opening up the tool box. What a great metaphor for what actually happens as of DAY ONE of your first improv class.
1. You will learn new tools right away
Yes, one of those tools will be “Yes And.” You’ve probably heard of it. AND you’ll find out a LOT more about how that concept can help you in improv and also in your workplace, in environments where you need to think more creatively and spontaneously, in situations when dealing with your children or your parents and honestly, literally in ANY social situation.
2. You Will Meet People
They might even become your best friends! Improv is inherently a social art form. You need other people to play. When you’re starting from scratch, you share your experiences as a beginner with other people, with your ensemble. This often has a lasting impact.
3. You will Laugh
So much your face might hurt. Be warned. In improv, we’re re-learning what it is to play. We learn that mistakes are gifts. We learn to celebrate our failures. Throughout it all, it turns out grown adults accepting to behave freely and playfully just happens to be hilarious. What an awesome side-effect!
Keep an eye out here on improvniagara.com – our next round of improv classes are set to begin in April 2021 and we’d love to see you take a leap!