
Q&A: Get to know our NEW cast-mate Kate Urquhart!

It sure has been a while since we posted one of these “Get to know yous” (2021! Wowza!) – and we’ll have a couple more coming at you real soon. So let’s dive in and meet KATE!

Q: What’s your favourite thing about Niagara?

The water! I moved here from Waterloo which ironically has no water.

Q: Is there a specific person in your real life that you emulate on stage?

My mother comes out from time to time – and my daughter too.

Q: Favourite comedy of all time?

I don’t do favourites and can never think of movie titles when asked to. I’m terrible at trivia.
Q: Who were your favourite funny people growing up?
I grew up without television and my first contact with comedians was This Hour Has 22 Minutes on CBC.
Q: Ever think of branching out to other acting or artistic outlets?
I do act! And sing and dance lalala! And I write. I can’t draw or paint to save my life though. 
Do you have a default character your body does naturally on stage?
This kind of arrogant character who says ridiculous nonsensical things as if they’re obviously super reasonable.
Since before you began playing with IN and now, have you noticed anything different in the way we play?
One of my favourite things about Improv Niagara is the complete support on stage, the trust between players, and the way the players honour the scene or the game rather than going for a cheap laugh. Respect.
Q: What your #1 most favouritest thing about improv?
Freedom to play and laugh.
Q: Who would win in a fight: Pink Panther or Scooby Doo? And why?
The Pink Panther because they’re way smarter and less food motivated. But there wouldn’t be a fight, the Pink Panther would trick Scooby into going along with whatever plan he was hatching.
Q: If you were stuck on a desert island, what 3 objects would you HAVE to bring with you?
A solar powered e-reader crammed full of books, a device that turns humidity into a sessional yet hoppy IPA, and a wondrous piece of clothing with many layers and snaps that could be a pillow or a hammock or a blanket or a party dress, if needed.
Q: Favourite ice cream flavour?
mint chip or coffee or caramel or peanut butter or…
Q: Favourite pizza topping?
Well, it has to have cheese, at least…
Q: Any secret, unusual talents?
I’m pretty good at figuring out where you put the thing, even if I don’t really know what that thing is or who you are. 
Q: Favourite James Bond movie?
The one with the fancy weapons and the hawt chicks.
Q: Toilet paper roll: over or under?
Over, of course. 

Got any more questions for Kate? Head over to our Instagram @improvniagara and feel free to ask her! Otherwise, don’t miss Kate at the next Improv Fallout show on Saturday May 25th at 8PM at Mahtay Café! 

Yaaaaaaaaaay Kate!

Kate at Improv Fallout's New Year's Eve Eve show. Photo by Ivy Bone.