
E87 – New Format on the Block


Hosts Nick Watson (@fivestergram) and Brie Watson (@briewats0n) are back after an unplanned hiatus to chat plans for the podcast going forward including new segments like: what’s filling the tank, what’s draining the bucket and what are we working on as 2024 comes to a close. 


Nick’s Update: 

  • Finished “Infinite Jest”
  • No more contests until his 3 books are edited
  • Trying out new “Scrivener” software

Brie’s Update

  • Joined Assembly Improv team: P!sstank
  • Tuesday Night Improv coming to Spotlight in St. Catharines
  • Struggles: Balancing resources



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E86 – Zane Caplanksy: A Dish, a Dream and a Lotta Hustle


Our guest in this episode is mustard and smoked-meat wizard Zane Caplansky, founder of Caplanksy’s Deli & purveyor of fine mustards. When Nick had the idea of interviewing a chef to discuss the artistic elements of food and cooking, Zane immediately came to mind. As it turns out, the struggles associated with balancing artisanal meats and mustards and attempting to find balance in life are huge. Six-figure-legal-fees huge.


And yet, Zane is probably the most optimistic and hopeful guests we’ve had the pleasure of speaking with – and in the current political climate, that doesn’t seem so easy to do, right? So, grab some pickles, dip ’em in some tasty Caplansky mustard & enjoy our journey strugglin’ on with Zane Caplanksy.

Your Creative Tips

Success & Failure, Cooking, Management, Work-Life Balance, Family






Nick’s Update:

  • Not writing. 🙁

Brie’s Update:

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Q&A: Get to know our NEW cast-mate Kate Urquhart!

It sure has been a while since we posted one of these “Get to know yous” (2021! Wowza!) – and we’ll have a couple more coming at you real soon. So let’s dive in and meet KATE!

Q: What’s your favourite thing about Niagara?

The water! I moved here from Waterloo which ironically has no water.

Q: Is there a specific person in your real life that you emulate on stage?

My mother comes out from time to time – and my daughter too.

Q: Favourite comedy of all time?

I don’t do favourites and can never think of movie titles when asked to. I’m terrible at trivia.
Q: Who were your favourite funny people growing up?
I grew up without television and my first contact with comedians was This Hour Has 22 Minutes on CBC.
Q: Ever think of branching out to other acting or artistic outlets?
I do act! And sing and dance lalala! And I write. I can’t draw or paint to save my life though. 
Do you have a default character your body does naturally on stage?
This kind of arrogant character who says ridiculous nonsensical things as if they’re obviously super reasonable.
Since before you began playing with IN and now, have you noticed anything different in the way we play?
One of my favourite things about Improv Niagara is the complete support on stage, the trust between players, and the way the players honour the scene or the game rather than going for a cheap laugh. Respect.
Q: What your #1 most favouritest thing about improv?
Freedom to play and laugh.
Q: Who would win in a fight: Pink Panther or Scooby Doo? And why?
The Pink Panther because they’re way smarter and less food motivated. But there wouldn’t be a fight, the Pink Panther would trick Scooby into going along with whatever plan he was hatching.
Q: If you were stuck on a desert island, what 3 objects would you HAVE to bring with you?
A solar powered e-reader crammed full of books, a device that turns humidity into a sessional yet hoppy IPA, and a wondrous piece of clothing with many layers and snaps that could be a pillow or a hammock or a blanket or a party dress, if needed.
Q: Favourite ice cream flavour?
mint chip or coffee or caramel or peanut butter or…
Q: Favourite pizza topping?
Well, it has to have cheese, at least…
Q: Any secret, unusual talents?
I’m pretty good at figuring out where you put the thing, even if I don’t really know what that thing is or who you are. 
Q: Favourite James Bond movie?
The one with the fancy weapons and the hawt chicks.
Q: Toilet paper roll: over or under?
Over, of course. 

Got any more questions for Kate? Head over to our Instagram @improvniagara and feel free to ask her! Otherwise, don’t miss Kate at the next Improv Fallout show on Saturday May 25th at 8PM at Mahtay Café! 

Yaaaaaaaaaay Kate!

Kate at Improv Fallout's New Year's Eve Eve show. Photo by Ivy Bone.

Would you love to improve your team?

At Improv Niagara, we offer improv workshops to all sorts of teams, from Fortune 500 companies to local community organizations. We’re often asked.. “OK but… how does it work? What do these workshops LOOK like? Will I be thrown on stage to perform an impromptu stand-up comedy routine?”

Let us ease your worried mind. (Improv helps with that, too!)

An improv workshop consists of a series of exercises or “games” that are designed to focus on specific skills. Originally, in the context of theatre performance.

Over time, a lot of research has gone into demonstrating the tremendous benefits improv games have in the workplace (and in life in general); public speaking, active listening, collaborating, communicating, teamwork and so much more.

The workshops typically begin with icebreakers, getting people comfortable with one another, and with this the principle of acceptance, or “yes and,” – a way of creating an atmosphere of non-judgement in which to learn, to try new things, to take risks, and to fail. (Getting over of the fear of failure is a tremendous benefit practiced in improv training.) 

Then we move onto games that are more skill-specific. The games are normally done in one big group, smaller groups, or pairs. 

An example would be, if our focus was on active listening. The Game LAST WORD, FIRST WORD. An excellent game to encourage strong listening skills.

In pairs, one person will say any sentence. Their partner will respond with a sentence beginning with the last word of their partner’s previous sentence, ensuring they have listened to the entire sentence to the very end. Benefit: This benefits listening to understand, versus listening to respond. It demonstrates respect and shows that you value your partner’s contribution.  

It’s difficult to get a sense of how well these games work by just reading their description, which is why it’s such a hands-on, interactive experience. So here are a few reputable articles on the benefits of improv:

Forbes. Four Reasons to Take an Improv Class: https://www.forbes.com/sites/robasghar/2015/08/12/four-reasons-you-need-to-take-an-improv-class/?sh=739f7fc6764a

NPR: The Rules of Improv Can Make You Funnier. They Can Also Make You More Confident:  https://www.npr.org/2022/10/19/1129907651/improv-can-build-confidence-heres-how-to-apply-it-to-your-everyday-life

The Harvard Gazette: For More Than Just Laughs:  https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2019/05/improv-skills-can-translate-to-social-and-professional-skills/

If you’re ready to help your team reach higher goals, personally and professionally, give us a shout at info@improvniagara.com and let’s get your team improvising.

A group of Improv Niagara students (before Covid-19) in class with their arms up in the air.

E81: Two Birds, One Heather – Time Management for the Multitalented


Heather Eyman is a fitness coach and improviser among many other things and in this episode, we see the path Heather took to narrow down on what’s important when there isn’t enough time to do everything and when you’re the kind of person who enjoys the abundance of what life has to offer.

We also ask her advice on how to fix Nick’s darn back! Find out what kind of tips she offers Nick, and all of us when it comes to making deposits into your body bank. (That’ll make more sense when you listen!)

Your Creative Tips

Health and Wellness, Fitness, Improv, Time Management


Brie’s Updates: 

  • Fingers crossed for Hearsay at Hamilton Fringe 2023. (Follow @brieanddave)

Nick’s Updates:

  • Stay tuned for book edits and short stories to come!

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E80 -Bumps Along the Creative Way


Our first episode in over four months! Why the break? Well you’ll just have to listen to the episode and find out. HA! Masters of the tease. 

But really, it’s a doozy of an episode where Brie & Nick dig deep into some real talk about physical and mental health, motivation, relocation and the whole thing gets a little vulnerable.

It’s not all struggle though. There’s life. There’s travel. There’s a mandatory Maron reference! 

Take a listen & let us know if it resonates with your journey.


Your Key Creative Tips

Comedy, Writing, Improv, Stand-Up, Performing, Pain Management, Depression and Anxiety, Goals.

Brie’s Update:

Don’t miss the remount of End with a Kiss, this December in Hamilton!


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Playwriting Right with Playwright Evie Jones


All wordplay aside, this is a delightful and informative episode featuring Genevieve (Evie) Jones, playwright, actor, director and mom of Daphne. Evie’s located in the Niagara Region, and chats with Nick and Brie about starting out her artistic career in Niagara, spreading her wings beyond the peninsula and her parents, and the reason for her epic return.

Evie provides us with some deep insight into how the pandemic has been helpful to herself and many artists in finding focus, and the now existing struggle to maintain that focus as the world opens back up. 

Writers will appreciate learning more about the process of writing and producing live plays in Canada and the evolution of the artist in motherhood. 


Your Key Creative Tips:

Writing, Playwriting, Parenting, Theatre, Acting, Directing, Performing Arts in Niagara and Halifax. 


Nick’s Update: 

  • Editing
  • Back pain.

Brie’s Update:



More from Evie Jones

Website: https://genevievejoneswrites.com/ 

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/EvieJones11 


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NEWS, Uncategorized

Q&A: Meet our awesome new cast-member Heather Eyman!

We recently welcomed our newest improv performer Heather Eyman to the cast, and since she’ll be performing with us, we thought it best to do a big of digging (eg, we straight up asked her a bunch of questions) to get to know her a bit better.

Q: Heather, what’s your favourite thing about Niagara?

A: I love being outdoors, so my favourite thing about Niagara is how many awesome places there are to find to go hiking, canoeing and on other outdoor adventures. I’ve lived here pretty much my whole life, and I still discover places I didn’t know existed!

Q: Is there a specific person in your real life that you emulate on stage?

A: I think I take little interesting elements and influence from lots of people in my life.

What drew you to fitness? 

(For clarity’s sake, Heather is also a fitness instructor at Fit Collective, so if you were wondering what that had to do with improv, now you’re caught up!)

A: I’ve always loved sports and fitness! I have so much energy to burn off every day that I get grumpy if I don’t move. My passion is helping others find excitement in exercise and movement.

Q: Favourite comedy of all time?

Hot Fuzz & The Blues Brothers

Yarp GIFs | Tenor

Q: Who were your favourite funny people growing up?

A: Jim Carrey. Every Whose Line cast member. Robin Williams.

Q: Where did your need to do improv come from? 

A: Life’s too serious most of the time. We need to have more fun and laugh more. Improv makes people happy, and I like being a part of that.

Q: Are you thinking of branching out to other acting outlets?

A: I wouldn’t say no if other opportunities came my way!

Q: Do you have a default character your body does naturally on stage?

A: My big, inner tough guy likes to appear on stage. That, and the character that moves erratically for no particular reason.

Q:  Since before you tried improv and now that you’ve performed with Improv Niagara,  have you noticed any difference in how you observe it?

A: On stage, particular moments can feel like an eternity, but from the audience’s perspective it was just a brief second or pause. I’m trying to get more comfortable with silence and pauses.

Q: What was one thing about improv you didn’t know until you trained or performed?

I’ve learned so much! Listen to your scene partners; pay attention to the little details; there’s humour in the most mundane things; explore the scene – it’s not a race!

Q: Who would win in a fight: Pink Panther or Scooby Doo. And why?

I’m embarrassed to admit how much time I actually spent thinking about this question. Based on size and stature, I’m gonna have to give this one to Scoob if he’s able to land a few shots right off the bat and use his size and strength to his advantage. Pink Panther’s pretty lean and probably has better endurance than Scooby (too many Scooby Snacks), so Pink Panther could stand a chance if he can dodge Scooby’s shots and tire him out.

Q: If you were stuck on a desert island, what 3 objects would you HAVE to bring with you? 

A: Presuming I already have access to shelter, water, and food:

  • Some type of music player with music (maybe a Zune because I don’t think those things can break)
  • a book about stars and space cause there’d be no light pollution and you could see everything in the sky
  • and a knife because that just feels really practical. 

Q: Favourite ice cream flavour?

A: Chocolate peanut butter.

Q: Favourite pizza topping?

A: Pepperoni. Oh man, that’s so boring. I promise, I’m not boring!

Q: Any secret, unusual talents?

A: I can make my eyes move in opposite directions. 

Q: Favourite James Bond movie? 

I only VERY recently watched my first James Bond movie (Don’t come at me.)  I think I’d say the newest one! What the hell was it called lol?

Q: Toilet paper roll: over or under

Is this even a question? Over. Always.

Heather Eyman everybody. Don’t miss your chance to catch Heather performing live with Improv Niagara! Stay tuned for all upcoming shows! (What’s a zune?)


E73 – Gary Rideout Jr.‘s Habitat for Comedy


Chances are if you’ve performed comedy in Toronto, you’re likely one degree of separation from this episode’s guest; Gary 

Rideout Jr., owner of Toronto’s famous Comedy Bar & Director of Business Development at The Second City in Toronto. This episode dives into Gary’s timeline as a budding comedian-turned-business owner and  tracks the many successes he’s had along the way, the struggles that come with taking risks and putting yourself out there, as well as some truly great lessons learned along the way.

With the recent tease on social media announcing the opening of a second Comedy Bar location, on the Danforth, we’re thrilled to get to chat with Gary about his journey in Toronto comedy and his excitement for all that’s to come. 

This is an episode for comedians and for fans of comedy. You’ll see what it takes to create a space for an entire community of comedy artists; how to foster that community and the heights where it can lead. 


Comedy, Writing, Performance, Touring, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Accessibility.


Nick’s Update:

Editing again, and prepping for NaNoWriMo

Brie’s Update:

Niagara Falls Night of Art, Improv Fallout back at Mahtay Café, Writing Accountability Partner



Comedy Bar

The Second City


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Classes, Improv

Back to Class

By: Dina Senior, Teen Improv Instructor

A new school year is upon us.  Though I have been out of school for 16 years, I always feel an excited anticipation for the beginning of September.  I love new beginnings, and September has always felt like a fresh start for me.  This year is particularly exciting since we will be resuming our in-person classes for youth! 

This year beginning on September 7, I will be teaching the Teens classes, which are ages 13-17, and Simon will be teaching the kids ages 8-12.  We have a fun-filled semester planned for them which ends is a fun showcase/recital at the end of the semester in December. 

Why would a young person want to take an Improv class, you might ask?  There are multiple reasons why this is a positive experience for a child or teenager (or even an adult!): 

#1 – If your child is already a theatre or film actor, improv will only make them better at their craft.  Many auditions in the industry are based in improv, so it is a good skill to have in your cap.  In addition, since improv helps you think quickly on your feet, you will know exactly what to do when someone forgets or drops lines in a show (which happens more often in theatre than you’d think!) 

#2- Elementary schools and high schools are often big fans of oral presentation.  You have to stand in front of a class of your peers and talk about a subject for a certain length of time. Improv can also help with this because we do tons of presenting in front of the class, constantly! Presenting will be a breeze once you have already done it 100+ times.  This will iron out any nerves and jitters someone might have before a big presentation for school. 

#3 – Improv is a confidence booster for all ages.  It forces you a little out of your comfort zone, but in a super fun way that is full of games and adventure! 

#4 – Improv helps with creative thinking.  Therefore, it can help you be a better creative writer.

#5 – You make new friends!  Some of them will be friends for a lifetime! 

#6 – We’re going to do it right – It’s been a challenging past several months, and Improv Niagara is dedicated to ensure a safe improv experience. We’re going to be following all of the government’s guidelines with regards to indoor gatherings to make sure everyone can play in a fun and safe environment.

If all of this sounds good to you, please sign your child up for Improv classes before September 7, 2021. Our Artistic Director Brie Watson will also be starting to teach adult classes the same week, so please check out our classes section to sign up and to get more information.